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Mind Over Fatter 6 Week Course Workbook - Paperback By Greg Justice


Let’s face it; at some point in your life, you’ve tried to lose weight.After all, you’ve probably picked up my Mind Over Fatter: The Psychology of Weight Loss – and that’s what led you to this six-week course. Maybe you recognized yourself in a few of the examples I illustrated in my book. Perhaps you found yourself commiserating with feeling bad about yourself every time you eat a meal, or you recognized yourself in my description of someone who has made a habit of just mindlessly eating in front of the television.(And if you haven’t read my book, don’t worry; this six-week course will be pretty self-explanatory. But do yourself a favour and pick up a copy of Mind Over Fatter sooner rather than later!)No matter what truths you may have discovered in Mind Over Fatter, there was one thought that led you to this special six-week course:“I’m ready to break free from the cycle of mindless, toxic, and unhealthy eating.”That’s precisely where this six-week course comes into play. This course has been de-signed to complement Mind Over Fatter. Think of my book as the “big picture”, with this course providing the strategies and techniques required to master emotional and mental control over weight loss.The Mind Over Fatter six-week course is designed to give you highly effective – and merci-fully simple – techniques that you can implement within seven days. Each week is meant to build upon one another, so by the time you reach the end, you will be practically an expert on mastering emotional and mental eating triggers.Why six weeks? Well, evidence suggests that it takes anywhere from four to twelve weeks to learn a new habit. In terms of emotional and mental eating, six weeks can help you get in touch with the triggers that set off your eating, along with what’s holding you back from actually losing the weight. Remember, this isn’t a traditional diet-and-exercise plan that details everything you need to put into your mouth to lose weight in time for swimsuit season.Think of this as your appointment with an inexpensive food therapist – one who will teach you to make connections between the foods you eat, why you eat them, and what triggers are causing you to eat more than you actually need.I’ll refer back to key points in Mind Over Fatter throughout the duration of the course. While I’ll offer brief recaps on the bigger ideas from my book, you might find it beneficial to look back to the book if you need any refreshers on big picture ideas and terms. Ready to get started on your six-week journey to emotional and mental mastery over weight loss? Of course you are; so get out a pen and paper, mark your calendars, and get ready to transform the way you look at weight loss in just a month and a half!

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